P5A and P5B Blog

Monday 26th June:


Here are some photos showcasing some of the amazing things we’ve been up to in the final term. From measuring volume and tree heights in maths, to ukulele lessons, cooking in class, recording our own Newsround episodes, heated debates about healthy eating, digging in the allotment, searching for bees, lighting fires, and everything in between! It’s been an amazing year, and it’s great to see how geared up everyone is getting for their next adventure in Primary 6!

Wednesday 24th May:

Primary 5 Get Cooking!

All pupils in the Primary 5 classes have cooked in the last two weeks. Children made flat breads, which were baked in our ovens. Whilst these were cooking, pupils got busy and made a tzatziki dip. Most children liked the flat breads, but were less enthusiastic about the dip. All pupils enjoyed the cooking experience and many were very helpful with the cleaning up.

If you would like to make the flat breads and tzatziki, here is the recipe below. This will make enough for one person. Just increase the quantities if you want more.

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents, carers and adults within the school who came along to help. These lessons wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Monday 24th April:

Artistic inspiration from a local sculptor

On Thursday 20th April, local sculptor Ronnie Rae came in to work with Primary 5A. Ronnie is a local artist, living in Edinburgh. He has worked all his life carving granite by hand and you may recognise two of his most famous local sculptures, the Lion of Scotland in St. Andrews Square and the Cramond Fish, on the beach between Cramond and Silverknowes.

Ronnie is now 77 years old and no longer able to carve granite, as he has arthritis in his hands. However, he still creates art, usually using materials that other people discard, such as painting on cardboard boxes and old suitcases. He also paints sticks, and this is what he came in to show P5A on Thursday.

P5A enjoyed the visit enormously, and even though he wasn’t able to stay on to meet P5B, they were also inspired by his story and his work. We all had a go at painting sticks ourselves and our results are amazing. Thank you Ronnie!

Friday 24th March:

Make Healthy Soup!

Both Primary 5 classes worked together to make Lentil and vegetable soup back in February.

Then last Thursday, they helped younger pupils in P3A and P2/3 to make soup. We also had lots of help from parents too. Thank you!

Here’s the recipe. It makes enough for two people. Use your times tables to increase the amounts for larger groups of people.

Friday 17th March:

Spring Term in P5!

Here’s a bit of an overview of what P5 have been up to over the past couple of months. We’ve been pretty busy!

Performing Scottish Music

The P5s learned a little but about famous Scots from the past, including Mary Queen of Scots and Bonnie Prince Charlie, and had a go at performing the Skye Boat Song on glockenspiels (with Stanley and Tristan on the cello!)

World Book Day!

Exploring Scotland’s Landscape

P5 have been learning about the geography of Scotland, including its mountains, lochs, rivers and coast line, and how these were formed. We researched each type of landscape and are now looking at each landscape in more detail.

Searching for angles

Data handling and creating graphs

